Star Tool is an open-source APK file that provides diagnostic and functional tests for Glory Star devices. It checks whether the product’s hardware or software is working properly. Star Tool is also designed for developers to use in customizing the displays and modules. Using the tool, the hardware can be configured using the developer’s software platform.
Star Tool is available for download from Staros 10.2.1 version.
To download Star Tool, follow these steps:
​1. Launch the Staros app, 10.2.1 version.
2. Select Settings --> More.

3. Select Star apps.

4. From the StarTool app, select Download and Install. The app will begin to download.


Kiosk function testing
Check and test brightness, volume, orientation, firmware number, Wi-Fi, OTA, reboot, and take screenshots.

Choose your model
Star Tool is supported on Jarvis, Nebula, Vega X, Epsilon, Infinitus, and Magnetar Android series.

Open Source
Star Tool is open source which allows complete control over the display.

Modules performance
Test module functions, such as barcode scanning, controlling light modes, orientation of cameras, and RFID scanning standards.

Supported Standards
Supports a wide range of RFID and Barcode standards, including HID, Mifare, QR Code Scanning, and etc.

Select a diagnostic test to perform to check if there are any issues with the display.
• General functionalities – tests the common features in all devices.
• Add-on modules – tests the add-on modules installed on the device.
• Module specific – tests specific components of a specific model.
• Aging tests – tests the efficacy of the different features and components of the product.